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"She was the only exception among the humans he loathe so much." Warning: Mature themes, health problems, toxic relationship, slight yandere tendencies, angst, violence and gore. Naomi Ubuyashiki is Kagaya's younger sister who has the unique ability to tell whether someone is a demon by looking at their eyes. Coincide...
Karina n-a fost de la inceput un demon obisnuit. Ea s-a alaturat Liceului pentru Criminali Creepypasta printr-un accident, iar acum invata cum sa isi controleze puterile. Prietenul ei cel mai bun este Jeff The Killer si este urmarita de intreaga Lume a Demonilor, care vor sa o distruga, pe ea si pe fratele ei geaman...
Combining @Thegirlsdragontamer book into this one but mostly the one-shots will be mine. I OWN THIS BOOK! REQUESTS ARE OPEN IN COMMENTS AND INBOX (Don't be shy!!) If you love Attack On Titans and especially Levi, you have come to the right book. Attack on Titan one shots Levi One shots LeviXreader One shots And possib...
Romanul este publicat la editura Quantum. Dragostea este otravă, iar otrava ucide. Ceea ce unul simte, celălalt neagă cu vehemență. Ea nu crede în iubire, el nu se poate sătura de acest concept. Aleg să se descopere cu ajutorul pianului, se resping prin acordurile viorii, se predau unul celuilalt prin muzică. Oare exi...
Patru naţiuni, o singură lume. O lume în care confortul pământesc este nimic, unde gloria și puterea reprezintă steaua de pe cer, iar ființele metafizice se luptă pentru accederea spre această stea. Milenii mai târziu, lumea Îngerilor și a Demonilor era schimbată, aceasta fiind populată și de alte ființe, trecută pri...
Dragoste/Fantezie Al treilea volum din seria „Atinși de flăcări". Două sunt elementele care duc la dezagregarea și la dezordinea lumii: focul, care mocnește și agonizează, şi vântul, ale cărui sunete sinistre reprezintă simbolic dezechilibrul. Lumea din Umbră nu-și mai găsește de mult timp liniștea. După ce Sabbah Hir...
Dragoste/Fantezie Al doilea volum din seria „Atinși de flăcări". Joy Dalton e din nou în Syracuse iar viaţa pare să îşi urmeze făgaşul normal. Chiar dacă tânăra trebuie să se obişnuiască cu schimbările majore ce au avut loc, Joy este mulţumită că oamenii la care ţine sunt bine şi problemele par a fi departe de se arăt...
Dragoste/Fantezie Nu vă lăsați păcăliți de numărul de voturi și de citiri. Necesită editare; nu drastică, dar tot lipsesc unele litere, iar exprimarea poate fi deficitară în primele douăzeci de capitole. * * * Primul volum di...
//Based off Jumin Han's bad ending in the game Mystic Messenger// In his bad ending, Jumin becomes obsessive of MC, or in this case the reader. This fanfiction will follow the BDSM based relationship between both Jumin and the CONSENTING MC. I may write more chapters depending on how well this one goes down so watch...
Oh Sangwoo appeared to be the ideal husband on the outside, but... On the inside he was your perfect Accomplice~ ••Rated M for Mature Content. ••This story does not follow the original story, Stalking Killing, whatsoever. So please do not feel the need to compare, just enjoy and give me your feedback. ••Everything us...
Just another Anime fan trying to make my Anime babies feel loved ~! I write when I'm bored, down, or trying to avoid homework, and that's a lot. Honestly I would be happy just to make one person smile :) I do not own any of these characters or the art used. 20.10.16| #483 in FanFiction
An angel falls from the heavens in search of a soul to care for and happens upon a young girl by the name of Y/N. Upon first meeting the child, the angel was taken by her sweet and innocent personality, therefore, he takes it upon himself to be the girl's sole protector. But, beware: if anyone dares to taint the purit...
Acum mulți ani, tripleții Raiden, Dylan și Alyssa s-au născut. Au avut o copilărie mai neobișnuită față de copii ordinari, dar au avut parte de multă distracție. Acum au crescut, și sunt niște adolescenți în toată firea. Ceea ce înseamnă că au probleme, și încă câte. Părinții lor îi obligă pe tripleți să meargă într-o...
'The only thing standing in between You and Me is R E A L I TY' To achieve his goals and desires, he'd do anything; commit any sin and continue moving forward even with all the blood that stained his hands. But how could he promise himself to someone when his heart and soul longed for...
[UNDER HEAVY EDITING] ' i sailed seas of emotion , to wonder a forest of stars i am a dance of light and d a r k n e s s a galaxy of s h a d o w s and stars' Black butterflies, it was the black butterflies that led her away from him, yet in an ironic twist of fate they brought him back to her. She's fallen right back...
Warning: Book itself is decently Kaede heavy! Lots of FSF at the end! Hyakkaou Private Academy is run by the student council. And the student council is run by a mysterious girl: you. But very few people know this, allowing you to blend into the regular school population. Pranks, promiscuity and a lot of gambling ensu...
#1 in Hockstetter #1 in Belch #3 in Criss #4 in Huggins #13 in henrybowers #25 in Bowers #62 in Patrick #85 in cast #105 in Henry #162 in Victor #326 in IT #330 in it2017 #586 in bullies #701 in Gang
Dong Jin's She Zheng Wang had icy, jade-like beauty and peerless talent. It's said his admirers were enough to fill 3 entire cities! Dong Jin's She Zheng Wang was only second to the Emperor and temperamental, but rumors are that a young fox entered his bathroom, yet actually didn't die. Dong Jin's She Zheng Wang known...
Gotta love the best boys. Quite slow updates, at least one new oneshot a week! Unless there's an overload of requests that is -3- Check out my more regularly updated Karma x Reader (My Endurance.) WARNINGS: Will contain spoilers, Swearing, Sexy Stuff, graphic content I do not own this anime, characters or you!
These are the book series that got me hooked and addicted, enough for me to read the sequels. Hope you like them! Feel free to suggest your own personal favorites! ;-) 06/10/2013
Living in a manor with eight other sisters, -most whom seem to hate you- a father wanting to force you into marriage, and new members arriving at peculiar times isn't easy. Honestly, you can't wait until your father allows for you to leave this home behind and start a life of your own, but that seems like it'll never...
She was never one to hold a strong faith in anything, the world had shaped her heart within a catalyst of cynicism and apathy. 'Destiny' was a word that was nothing but a silly fiddle; however fate always winds up playing the trickiest cards on the ones who least expect it. She had a role to play in the world that s...
Copertă actuală : BlackWhite1001 Copertă by : DisclosureA Copertă by:HipsterDark
title: Little Dirty Secret: RE (Karma x Reader) [remake of Little Dirty Secret] Warning: contains Explicit content not suitable for young readers. Description will be updated soon.