BoyxBoy Recommendations
These are boyxboy/manxman stories that I highly recommend.
Basically it come to my attention that I read a lot of boyxboy books and I just thought I should do a recommended book type thing. Lots of different Fanfics are in here too. I have bad spelling and Grammar do be warned. Plus swearing involved This is has the authors and the book covers and deception so it easy to fi...
Here's my set of books that I genuinely adore written by amazing and talented authors. This book is dedicated to them and for those who loves reading boyxboy just like me. Enjoy!
I have seen so many of these and none of them ever have the real good books. So if your like me and probably believe that you've at least tried every good gay book under the sun on this website. Then; keep reading.
The best stories I've read and that you'll enjoy too. This is a collection of amazing books written by amazing authors that I thought needed to be shared with all you amazing people. This is a collection of MY top favorites and some others that I couldn't resist adding in this. Now as a warning you have seen the tit...
L o o k i n g F o r S o m e G o o d B o y x B o y/ M a n x M a n S t o r i e s...? You've come to the right place! •G R A M M A R 💯 •P L O T 💯 •C H A R A C T E R S 💯 •C R E A T I V I T Y 💯 T A K E • A • P E A K • i N S I D E ☄️U L T I M A T E ☄️ ☄️F A V O R I T E S☄️ ⭐️...