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  • Ask Cross Frisk
    848 29 18

    Ask the sister of the X-event! ((aka @officialCrossChara )) and don't try sh*t to f**k him OR I SWEAR TO F***ING GOOOODDDDDDDDDDD I WILL KILL YOU Sorry... just really over protective

  • Just some life updates
    98 1 3

    JOURNAL HAS: life updates friend updates art updates role-play stats vocaloid stuff puns entries from my friends and I will also have nicknames for my friends because they don't want their real names on the internet, also the nicknames will be from oc's and I request that you don't use these names for your oc's please...

  • Beauty and Life (a series of poems)
    6.5K 89 16

    I decided to make a series of poems......because I love reading and writing them. These poems, are simply about life, and everyday things that I think about. Some of these poems are based on personal experience, others are based on the things that are happening around me. Please check back often for updates! Thanks ev...

  • Facts About Me
    61 4 2

    Here I answer some questions that some of my friends tagged me with. Hopefully, you'll get to know a little more about me from this. Anyone is open to ask me more questions about myself (that I'm comfortable with sharing to the public)! -Nicole Cover made by @immaturely
