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    ❝the oblivious reciprocation of feelings shared by a boy and his lifelong friend.❞ -a taekook love scenario - all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 | mncvil. last updated: 19 | 04 | '18 at 01:04PM

    567 13 2

    ❝it was the moment when he saw the boy's face light up at the sight of the frozen delight before him; and without realizing, that sight had his lips curve up as well.❞ -a taegi love scenario - all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 | mncvil. last updated: 16 | 04 | '18 at 08:08PM

  • 𝘊𝘈𝘍𝘌
    179 20 3

    ❝but this cold and bitter aftertaste makes sense now that you're not here.❞ -a namjin love scenario - all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 | mncvil. last updated: 19 | 04 | '18 at 7:06PM

  • Parallel 평행; BTS
    811 122 19

    𝙤𝙣-𝙜𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 In a world where suffer is repetitive, how can you escape this kind of reality? When desperation to help the ones you love come, will you accept even a devil's offer? And when everything has gone the way you wanted to, what would you do to the things that would dare to ruin it? Especially if they were...