Otaku Humor
Many anime jokes One book Humor of an otaku Normal people won't understand © itopaz- 2017
Many anime jokes One book Humor of an otaku Normal people won't understand © itopaz- 2017
In the name of the father (Minato) The son (Naruto) And the holy spirit (Jiraya) Ramen Random things about anime. cover by dinolux
Ask me questions on animes, your otaku life or about one, or even just about fandoms I will also be just publishing random otaku problems on slides, so if you have one you want me to publish, just comment or message me. I will also be using the internet, my brain, and my lousy otaku life to come up with stuff. All cr...
Being an otaku is hard. Can you relate to these problems? Update: This is cringy. My eww weeb days