Part 2 of "In The Woods When First We Met"
Wattpad only lets you have 200 chapters and the story is more than 200 chapters, so here we are, starting a separate book just to continue the same story! Thanks to my readers, love you.
Wattpad only lets you have 200 chapters and the story is more than 200 chapters, so here we are, starting a separate book just to continue the same story! Thanks to my readers, love you.
hopefully this is somewhat helpful to anybody who's trying to find an aesthetic and accomplish it :) - art hoe, baddie, grunge, kawaii pastel, vintage (everything is collected from a number of sources- pinterest, instagram, youtube, etc...) COMPLETED.
Gilbert is there for Anne when she needs someone the most. Billy did far more damage than seen in the episode. Anne goes through my own journey of healing after a trauma. Serious issues. (Skip chapters 3-4 to make it less scary to read; if you skip 3 and 4, you will still know what happened, but you won't have to actu...