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  • Too Pretty For Prison (Zarry)
    51.1K 2.3K 21

    Living life in a prison wasn't always fun, meeting new people who have claimed to be innocent or just some that admit to their crimes. Harry Styles was known as the Hot headed murderer, in others eyes that is. He was a pretty nice lad, always smiling and bro hugging his two mates that were locked up a little longer th...

  • Arranged Marriage - (Zarry Stylik) ✔️
    609K 14.1K 30

    -Zayn Malik has everything he wants, it only takes a snap of his fingers, and everything he requires is given him. It's all the work of his rich and powerful Father, but what will happen, when Zayn's dad forces him, to marry the daughter of another powerful man. It's either he loses his whole fortune, family and frien...

  • sHe » Zarry ✔
    367K 16.4K 47

    His name is Zayn Malik, but sometimes he likes to be called Veronica. Veronica is just a man who really likes wearing skirts to work. Harry Styles is the cocky millionaire who honestly thinks he could only ever be attracted to pretty women in women's clothing. That is, until he meets Zayn and slowly realizes he actual...

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  • Toy [Zarry]
    1M 29.6K 33

    Toy [noun] - A person treated by another as a source of pleasure or amusement rather then with due seriousness. © 2013 Akshaya

  • give me love ➳ zarry
    485K 21.2K 37

    ❝you know how they say, what was it? don't judge a book by its cover? well lad, this is a prime example.❞ zayn was your typical bad boy. leather jackets, motorcycles, and smokes. everyone seems to judge zayn quite quickly. they don't know the real zayn. harry is one of those people, although he absolutely despises zay...

  • Zayns » Zarry
    98.4K 5K 33

    I just want to belong to someone. is that too much to ask? © lunarcissus 2016

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  • Remember Us? (z.s)
    18.3K 780 13

    "Harry, do you remember us?" *IMPORTANT* Before you decide to read this, just know that I wrote this when I was a kid. I didn't know how a lot of things worked and I just wrote without much thought. So, with that being said, this will be cringe.

  • awkward ➳ zarry
    69.4K 4.4K 17

    An unexpected hookup leads to an act that seems to get realer as the days go on. © fluorescentzarry

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  • words, music and other things ➳ zarry
    256K 16.3K 40

    ❝it's kind of a metaphor,❞ zayn said. ❝i like beautiful things. and beautiful things include beautiful music, beautiful words, and you.❞ mr styles - harry is the music teacher, or also known as everyone's favourite teacher. he is great at teaching, tells jokes, and not to mention, is the cutest. one day a new english...

  • photo booth ➳ zarry
    298K 12.2K 28

    in which harry kisses zayn in a photo booth, and that one kiss just might change their friendship.

  • Where Have You Been_Zarry
    22.6K 1.2K 12

    اين كنت طوال حياتي انا حتى لا اعلم كيف تعلقت بك وانا لن ارجعلك لهما هما مجرد كاذبان أين كانا عندما كنت وحدك تجول البلده بمنتصف الليل انا احببتك بصدق رغم كل شيئ حدث كل ما يهمني انا تفهمني وانا افهمك ونعيش مع بعضنا انا احبك ولن ياخذوك مني حتى ولو جربو كل الطرق ساحبك مهمى حدث...

  • طيفي اللطيف
    47.1K 2K 17

    الحب هو عماد حياتنا، الحب هو طعمُ حياتنا، من يجعل من الورود الذابله تعود تستشرق بألوانها الساحره.. الحب هو بالمختصر هو حلوى الحياة. لكن اذا كان هذا الحب بموضعٍ نقيض.. هل يصبح خطيئه؟

  • The Way You Look At Me
    10.2K 469 6

    "سحرني اداؤك و جمالك سيدي الفنان.." "في اي قاموس اضعك؟؟من العشاق ام المجانين؟؟" "من العدل ان أنسب لكلا القاموسين عندما أراك" "انت تجتاز حدوداً وضعها القدر و المجتمع بيننا" "أن القدر جمعنا لأننا خلقنا لبعضنا" "كم من السهل التلفظ بكلمات الحب و العشق عندك سيدي" "مثل سهولة وقوعي بحب عينيك الخلابتين"

  • Love Is Love (Zarry stylik)!
    161K 5.3K 42

    هو أجمل من أي شيء! هو سعادتي ___________________ Zarry Trrrrra

  • I loved the wrong person( Zarry Stylik )
    214K 11.1K 95

    ماذا يحدث حينما تحب من قتل عائلتك ؟ ماذا يحدث حينما تحب من قتل حبيبتك ؟ ماذا يحدث حينما تحب من قتل صديقك المفضل الذي انت لا تستطيع العيش من دونة امام عينيك ؟ ماذا يحدث حينما تحب شخص وانت تعلم انه سيقتلك ومتاكد من ذلك ؟ ماذا سيحدث عندما تحب من اختطفك وحبسك في غرفة مظلمة وباردة جدا وهو يعلم انك تهاب الظلام بشدة وفي كل ن...

  • Art [Zarry]
    475K 24.9K 48

    "Why-Why are you naked?" "I've been told that you enjoy painting naked men. Did I misunderstand?" "An aggressive sex addict and a shy, yet incredibly kinky artist falling in love with each other? I agree, that does sound a bit strange." "You're like my therapy, babe." *1st place in The Bromance Awards 2016 Zarry c...

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  • The seller of loaves of bread﴾zarry﴿
    39.1K 2.1K 13

    "انت لن تفعل هذا صحيح؟!"اسأل بخوف و هلع . "بالتأكيد لا لكِن سأقبِلك" تتسع عيناي فصدمة . قبل ان اهمس بحرف ، اشعر بشفتاه الناعمة الممتلئة على شفتّي . لا استطيع تصديق هذا!! هاري مثير ستايلز ، يقبّل بائع الرغيف زين مالك!! هذا كثير فعلًا على قلبّي لأتحمله كثير فعلًا.