Victor Magnus: The Amalgamation
The story follows Victor Magnus as he is thrown into a world of monsters and Gods. Follow along as we see all the twists and turns and uncover the secrets of his lineage and the world.
The story follows Victor Magnus as he is thrown into a world of monsters and Gods. Follow along as we see all the twists and turns and uncover the secrets of his lineage and the world.
After the mysterious events at Marsanth, Sebas Asmos Ti'en, the unwilling fox prince engaged to a Human princess, disappears without a trace. As a runaway noble he earns the nickname 'the Phantom Prince'. Evading three kingdoms and bounty hunters for six years, many have allowed the Phantom Prince to disappear into le...
Jasper Toledo is a college student who died and was reincarnated into his favorite video game. Calloway Calphius is an elf hero turned deity after he dissappeared from the City of Perils for 250 years. After 250 years an upstart guildmaster named Cal is instrumental in turning the City of Perils into the new Kingdom o...
After being reincarnated in his favorite game Jasper Toledo, otherwise known as Calloway Calphius, finds himself in the city he created 250 years after he logged out for the last time. He disguises himself in the elf city to find out that he has been revered as a saint, and has begun a new age of the elves. In o...
Adam is a neet, a bum, a good for nothing lowlife living in his parents house at the age of 30. No job, no friends and no girlfriend. He spends all day in front of his computer playing video games. One day due to some freak storm, a lightning strike hits his house and electrecuted him while playing an mmorpg game. Wh...
When I died after making my first bad decission I wasn't expecting to be reborn in a world of Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels and Yokai. I wasn't expecting to the be the 'main character'. I wasn't expecting for my life to become a game. I will, however, make the most of this peculiar situation. SI OC as Issei! Badass Ma...