The Story of Cleetus
A story explaining the backstory of this tragic ego Clete Felipe Henries, aka Cleetus, and how he came to be. ((Not finished lmao))
A story explaining the backstory of this tragic ego Clete Felipe Henries, aka Cleetus, and how he came to be. ((Not finished lmao))
All Matt wanted was that pretty mirror. But when he tried to get it using an unconventional and frankly illegal method, he created so many more problems than he solved. Portugese Translation: @Itzz_Nandaa [Completed] [Word count: 71,948] [Read time: 553.4 minutes] Eddsworld fanfiction. Tom x Matt. Warning: story is da...
An old drawn fanfiction I wrote a million years ago. =D This story was drawn as STORYBOARD cause I was dreaming to work on WB animation studios someday. The dream never happened! LOL Translated by Ron Keeper O'Dell