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  • KANA NAKA..!
    12K 865 20

    In ya kalli FA"IZA sai yaji Fiye da madaukacin Takaicin daya ke ji in ya tuna itace yau MATAR SA..Fa"iza ba mafarkin sa bace a irin Rayuwar ISHAQ KABIR KAROFI..Sam Fa"iza bata dace ko kada'n da Tsarin Rayuwarsa ba, kowa yasan Ishaq dan gayu ne mai ilimi ne,kyakyawa ne dan Fafane dan Alfahari ne Duniya tasan da zamansa...

    4.1K 475 50

    Sabirah baƙa ce. Irin baƙin nan mai maiƙo, ga muryarta mai kauri da amsa kuwwa. Tana fuskantar tsangwama da izaya kala kala a wajen mahaifiyarta da ƴan uwanta da babu wata ƙauna da shaƙuwa a tsaƙaninsu. Shin zata iya haƙuri da ƙulubalen rayuwa ko kuwa zata bi zugin shaidan da zuciyarta data ƙeƙashe?. Ku biyoni a labar...

    43.7K 2K 28

    Labarin soyayya, na wasu abokan gaba wanda rashin jituwa ne a tsakaninsu daga baya soyayya ta shige a zuciyar ɗayan abokin hamayyar, ita kuma jarumar bata sani ba, har takai ga sunyi aure ba tare da tasan wanda take aure ba.

  • KWARATA...
    800K 33.3K 112

    Ƙalu bale gareku matan aure

  • My Beauty Book
    1.5K 87 3

    This book will give you a bunch of different kinds of beauty tips that you can use in every day life! Enjoy!

  • 100 Qur'an Facts
    6.8K 527 5

    Bismillah Rabbi Zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in knowledge." 100 Facts about Qur'an By: Shaykh Shaibu Asali 26•9•16

  • Hadiths
    132K 10.3K 136

    If you want to change, if you want to repent, if you want Allah to forgive your sins, if you want paradise. Hasten. Hasten to fasting, Hasten to night prayer, Hasten to Allah's mercy, Hasten to Allah's generosity. We say 'tomorrow I will repent.' 'I will.' "But tomorrow." Allah said in the glorious Qur'an: And do not...

  • The Tahajjud Prayer
    46.9K 3.3K 11

    Bismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" Assalamu alaykum warehmatullaahiwabatakatuhu everyone. The best prayer after obligatory prayers is the night prayer. Allah descends to the lowest portion of the heaven in the last third of the night, and asks if there is anyone supplicating, so that H...

  • Story Of Jannah
    32K 3.1K 17

    1.Description of the Jannah(Garden). 2.The rewards of Jannah. 3.The level of Jannah. E.t.c. ***** Please read the book and don't forget to vote/comment/share.

  • Pearls Of Al Quran
    97.9K 2.9K 10

    This book is just a little something to tell you how many benefits there are for you in just ONE Surah Subhaan ALLAH! So many benefits for us in THIS world and the hereafter In Shaa ALLAH! The Qur'an is the book of ALLAH (SWT) it was revealed to Our Beloved Nabi Muhammad (SAW) The Qur'an contains the Key to your Happi...