jesse Underhill❤
if u don't know who Jesse Underhill is he is a 19 year old boy from Oregon with 4 siblings go follow him on musically @jesseunderhill add him on snap chat @jesse.underhill and follow his Instagram @jesse__underhill
if u don't know who Jesse Underhill is he is a 19 year old boy from Oregon with 4 siblings go follow him on musically @jesseunderhill add him on snap chat @jesse.underhill and follow his Instagram @jesse__underhill
Natasha just moved to Portland OR from Florida. She left all her friends behind and her ex boyfriend. She has to start a new life and make new friends. What happens when she meets this 22 year old across the hall, that has a 19 year old brother with a bad boy vibe? Will she stick around to see what happens, or will sh...