They said, all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you, ── so, should I bring my heaven to you? Dion Mahendra said.
They said, all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you, ── so, should I bring my heaven to you? Dion Mahendra said.
[TERBIT DI PENERBIT NARATAMA - SEBAGIAN CERITA DIHAPUS UNTUK KEPENTINGAN PENERBITAN] [eduseries] Seandainya Jane memutuskan untuk menunda skripsi sampai tahun depan demi menghindari Doyoung, ceritanya mungkin tidak akan mengalir seperti ini. Start: August, 2019 End: July, 2020
[SELESAI] Himpunan is where your home is. "Kirain rumahku bukan himpunan, tapi kamu." "Diam." (feat OT21)