troubles - l.r.h
in which two strangers - trouble and new boy - meet to make the wost, most painful thing happen; love. - "Oh god, the sky is choking me." She says softly. "And you're worse than fucking nicotine."
in which two strangers - trouble and new boy - meet to make the wost, most painful thing happen; love. - "Oh god, the sky is choking me." She says softly. "And you're worse than fucking nicotine."
Ponekad su samo potrebne 34 šale. © 2014 by kerimajekraljica; all rights reserved.
Kako to izgleda život u mraku? Kada je sve što možeš vidjeti jedan tamni prostor ispred sebe? Ona...Ona jedna od onih koja nikada nije dobila priliku vidjeti svjetlost dana. Ona je jedna od onih koja sve svoje nade polaže u to da će jednog dana vidjeti zalazak sunca ili romantično zvjezdano nebo o kojem svi toliko gov...
"Tamo gdje ima želje, biće i plamena; tamo gdje ima plamena, neko se mora opeći. Ali baš zato što peče ne znači da ćeš umrijeti! Zato moraš ustati i pokušat,pokušat,pokušat... " ~ PINK <3 "Where there is. There is gonna be a flame Where there is a flame Someone's bound to get burned But just because...
I was a regular girl till a chance meeting with the pop band one direction changed my ways more than one.