A Sweet Treat For Wattpad Authors
Hanya untuk kamu yang ingin selalu meningkatkan keterampilan menulis. Karena tulisanmu menunjukkan siapa dirimu, pastikan apa yang kamu bagikan kepada pembaca adalah yang terbaik dari hati dan kepalamu.
Hanya untuk kamu yang ingin selalu meningkatkan keterampilan menulis. Karena tulisanmu menunjukkan siapa dirimu, pastikan apa yang kamu bagikan kepada pembaca adalah yang terbaik dari hati dan kepalamu.
Karena berbagi adalah kebutuhan dasar manusia. Jangan berharap tulisan frontal, kritikan pedas, atau sindir menyindir. Shirei hanya ingin mendokumentasikan EYD trivia yang ada di Novel One Step yang tersebar di setiap bab nya [mulai chapter 5], dan menambahkan beberapa pengalaman Shirei selama di wattpad sejak 2015...
There are hundreds of fantastic books about writing for hopeful authors to choose from, but most of them are boring, complicated, and bogged down by filler. This little book is brief, straight forward, and easy to understand. I hope it will serve as an easy-to-read manual to help serious writers perfect their craft. I...
Everyone has trouble getting their stories noticed. Sometimes it's the title, cover, and summary that can lure someone in. But what can you do to get better at writing? Confused as to how other people's books get so popular but yours limits below 50 reads? Tired of deleting your stories because you don't think they ar...
Welcome to the Wattpad Writing Great Fiction introduction! You can browse through the chapters and use them as a reference when needed, or you can treat this like a class in writing fiction. There are assignments you can do, but don't worry, there aren't any due dates. There are lectures, but you don't have to take no...
Everyone knows the rules of growing up. Once you're eighteen things become clearer, childhood problems melt away, and you're ready to go out and conquer the world. You're now an adult. You can look your parents in the eye as equals. Officially, you're on your own, and now you'll only look back fondly at what you once...
My collection of ultra short stories. Each takes 60 seconds or less to read. Entirely written on my mobile phone.