The Other Side: Korra and Asami
The story start as Korra and Asami enter the Spirit world. We will find the relationship of Korra and Asami bloom as they encounter new enemies and go to different adventures. ENJOY! :)
The story start as Korra and Asami enter the Spirit world. We will find the relationship of Korra and Asami bloom as they encounter new enemies and go to different adventures. ENJOY! :)
enemies, to friends, to lovers. ______________ hi there. so, this is modern. they still have bending, ba sing se is a place etc. it's just like ATLA except with technology i guess? not sure how to explain it. but we've got zukka because im in love with it, kataang and then.. toph. but there is not firelord stuff or a...
a year after the final fight with Ozai, the gaang are living a peaceful life in Ba Sing Se, until Suki has to go back to her island, so she breaks up with Sokka. is this an opportunity for him and Zuko to get closer? WARNING: some parts might be... more explicit. ♡ ZUKKA, KATAANG ♡ [AS CANON AS POSSIBLE] ||COMPLETE||
Oneshots for different atla/Lok characters! (no longer taking requests).
Toph and Aang realize their feelings for each other. They slowly show it. But they hide it from the others.
Guys, I love you, but stop reading this story. It's poorly written. I am slowly uploading the revision version on the account herewerock. You will find my new account on my profile or I'm the conversation page water earth fire air long ago the four nations lived together in harm...
It has been for-told that Aang was not an only child. But that a young girl, a twin, was born with him. In the womb of their mother, the powerful spirit Ravaa didn't know which child to choose. They were both strong and determined. So she placed a small amount of her spirit in the girl and she put herself into the bo...
Ahoj c: Tak jsem se rozhodla jen tak psát menší příběh o Avatarovi (moc to nenavazuje na ten příběh co byl předtím). Postavy, mapa + národy - tyhle informace se budou postupně doplňovat, podle toho co se bude dít v příběhu. ~Pokud se něco v příběhu stane ohledně mapy např.: zhroucení velké věže, která byla vyznačena...
Jak by asi vypadaly konverzace na Facebooku v podání postav z Legendy o Aangovi a Legendy Korry? Nejspíš dost praštěně a střeleně. Jsi milovník/ice avatara a 'máš pár koleček navíc'? Tak to jsi na správném místě! Neváhej a začni číst. *** Vše v knize berte s nadhledem a zvýrazněná část popisu je myšlena pouze obrazně...
Popisuju postavy z anime. SPOILER!!!!!! 11.6./ 2017- 302. náhodně
50 zajímavostí z Legendy o Aangovi i Legendy Korry. V této knize najdete různé poznatky, připomínky, jenž se v seriálech nevyskytují apod. Nejlepší umístění: #1 Legenda 8.8. 2018 - z 18ti (Omlouvám se, pokud jsem něco zkreslila, nebo naopak něco podstatného rovnou zapomněla.)