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  • Engordar a mi hija
    1.4K 78 5

    Una extraña relación entre un padrastro y su hija, un chantaje que dará paso a un trato con beneficios para ambos. Una extraña historia fetichista, un viaje de engorde para Erika, contado a través de los ojos de un padrastro, ✠Advertencia: Esta es una historia fetichista basada en el concepto de engordar, sin o te gu...

  • Die Kreuzfahrt mit meiner Ex
    2.7K 3 2

    Nach dem schriftlichen Abi mache ich mit meinen Eltern eine Kreuzfahrt, auf der ich meine Ex wiedertreffe, die sich sehr verändert hat.

  • Die fette Heike
    495 8 4

    Jonas sammelt seine ersten Erfahrungen mit einer dicken Frau und stellt fest wie geil das ist; noch geiler ist, dass Heike gern dick ist und gern noch dicker wird- und am Ende hat sie eine fette Überraschung für ihren Jonas....

  • Mehr von uns
    1.1K 4 2

    Sophie und Jenna, zwei Schwestern, erleben, wie sich ihr Leben und ihre Körper langsam verändern. Während Sophie unbeschwert mit ihrer Gewichtszunahme umgeht, kämpft Jenna gegen die unerwünschten Pfunde an - doch der ständige Druck und die Versuchung des guten Essens machen es ihr schwer. Zwischen heimlichen Genüssen...

  • Weight Gain Challenge
    13.8K 30 8

    My weight gain diary for a fit to fat to fit challenge just to see if I can do it. Weight denial

  • Hänsel und Gretel (Feeding Version)
    1.5K 9 3

    Jeder kennt das berühmte Märchen. Aber was, wenn Gretel die Hexe garnicht in den Ofen schubst, sondern gemeinsam mit ihr ihren Bruder dick füttert. Und die beiden auch keine Kinder, sondern erwachsene Menschen sind. (In der neumodischen Zeit geschrieben)

  • Weight Gain Journal 2024
    19K 33 9

    my journey of gaining weight

  • weight gain diary
    5.7K 24 5

    weight gain diary with pictures of my belly;)

  • Weight gain journal
    15.9K 56 18

    Just pics and stories

  • Weight gain diary
    1.3K 4 1

    Just a chubby girl tryna get even bigger

  • Diary of a Stuffer in Denial
    49.3K 215 23

    Idk how often I'll update this, but this'll be a place for me to put all my stuffing photos until I either break and start gaining on purpose or get bored

  • weight gain diary!!
    1.2K 14 1

    trying to gain weight, teasing, encouraging and dms allowed!! no creepy stuff im still a minor lol

  • The fit girl 💪
    6.8K 8 3

    lily was praised for being skinny and fit, she had strict diets by her parents, and was popular in school because of it. She was head cheerleader and flyer. One summer she goes to her aunts house and all of that changes.

  • Léa's weight gain
    18.3K 34 4

    Léa is a 17-year-old teenager who has just had a great summer. She's slim and has an athletic body. September is here and she's leaving her parents and home to go to university.

  • Mikayla's Weight Gain Challenge
    4.4K 9 17

    Ever since she was a young girl, Mikayla has always wanted to become a fatty. She was a great athlete in high school and now that she's done playing soccer she decided to kick off a 30-day challenge to pack on as much weight as possible. Read through her diary as she transforms from a top soccer athlete to a greedy co...

  • did I get fat?
    52K 156 13

    I was changing earlier and caught my reflection in the mirror for the first time in a while... have I really let myself go? where did all this jiggle come from? I swear I fit these jeans just fine only last week ..

  • weight gain diary
    3.5K 12 3

    I'm a feedee who wants to get fat! <3 this is a true story and I am gaining weight currently<3 my weight is 113 currently, my goal so far is 160 (I will update the description when I grow fatter and I will change my goal)

  • Schweres Selbstbewusstsein
    22K 102 12

    Ich bin jung, dick, glücklich und das hätte ich vor ein paar Jahren nie gedacht. Lest doch einfach wie es dazu kam.

  • Unispeck
    1.6K 2 2

    Lia und Samantha gehen zusammen auf die Uni. Beide haben sehr unterschiedliche Wege, um mit Stress umzugehen...

  • Piglet Princess
    14K 64 3

    Young girl that's into feederism but has always been skinny finally convinces her boyfriend of two years to be her feeder. He takes on the role quickly (almost naturally!) and actually starts to enjoy her weight gain almost (if not MORE than) as much as she does, making her grow and transform in more ways than one! 

  • Weight Gain Tagebuch
    6K 7 26

    Zunehmtagebuch (fiktional)

  • My weight gain diary
    1.7K 4 1

    Hi! I'm Serena, I'm 18 years old and love feederism Currently I'm 5'1 and 150 pounds I've gained thirty pounds in the last year from over eating and I'd like to start documenting it :)

  • Belly Diary
    26.7K 26 10

    Gains :))

  • Weight gain Diary
    3.6K 0 7

    A woman in her 40s who's now gaining weight due to her medication increasing her appetite

  • A Summer Desire
    17.2K 16 4

    As the summer holidays finally came, so did Freya's new obsession. Freya had been interested in the fat fetish community for a while, and when the summer holidays were just around around the corner, Freya decided her thin frame could use a bit more meat.

  • The Queen of Curves
    8.1K 15 4

    Luna was a princess who lived in England in the 15th Century. She was second in line to the throne and incredibly rich, being a princess. Her mother, Queen Edith, recently gifted Luna a food shop, with her very own slaves working there and making as much food as needed for sales. Edith thought her daughter would use t...

  • Weihnachtsspeck
    7K 19 4

    An Weihnachten nimmt man sehr viel zu. Aber sooo viel???

  • Fettkontrolle
    2.5K 5 3

    In der Schule, in die Max und Liz gehen, wird auf das Gewicht geachtet. wiegt man zu viel, wird im Stundenplan mehr Sport angezeigt und wiegt man zu wenig, ist in manchen Stunden Essen.

  • How I got fat
    20.1K 34 15

    Hi, for introductions I'm a girl born in England, and I wanted to both share how I got fat, and ask all of you guys for your opinions on it (i gave the category short story because I didn't know what else to put lol, the story's true tho)

  • Na Schatz, zugenommen?
    11.5K 8 3

    Lia hat in letzter Zeit ein paar Kilo zugenommen und ihre Hose passt nicht mehr. Ihren Freund stören die neuen Kilos allerdings nicht...