5SOS Visual Preferences
What would it be like if you were dating one of the 5SOS boys? • Thought I'd give this a try I apologise for the quality of some of the photos •
What would it be like if you were dating one of the 5SOS boys? • Thought I'd give this a try I apologise for the quality of some of the photos •
Sterek fanfic this characters are not mine and neither is the story tbh!! But here's what its about :) "Sterek having sex with someone nearby so needing to be really quiet, clinging to each other and kissing lots so they don't make much noise"
This is the mature chapter to my story, Secretly Submissive. It contains graphic, sexual content, so I decided not to put it in the original book so that my book wouldn't get removed from the site index. Thank you for reading! xo
I like to write dirty things, about Daddy... ~JazzibooXx