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  • Painkillers | 2D x Murdoc
    14.8K 267 5

    ā˜† TRIGGER WARNING: Self-harm and suicidal themes ā˜† Takes place around Phase 1-2 ā˜† Art Credit: Unknown ā˜† Whoops I ship 2Doc now! ā˜† I listened to so much lo-fi while listening to this it's not even funny

  • š–š”ššš­ š€š¦ šˆ š“šØ š˜šØš®? š‰š®š¬š­ š˜šØš®š« š“šØš² š“šØ šš„ššš²?
    1.5K 43 4

    Ź°įµ‰Ė”Ė”įµ’ įµ—Ź°įµ‰Ź³įµ‰ įµŹø įµ‡įµ‰įµƒįµ˜įµ—ā±į¶ įµ˜Ė” įµˆįµƒŹ³Ė”ā±āæįµ ā± įµƒįµ Źøįµ’įµ˜Ź³ Ź°įµ’Ė¢įµ— įµƒāæįµˆ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ Ź·Ź³ā±įµ—įµ‰Ź³ įµ’į¶  įµ—Ź°ā±Ė¢ įµ‡įµ’įµ’įµ įµ‡įµ‰į¶ įµ’Ź³įµ‰ ā± įµ–įµ˜įµ— įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµˆā±Ė¢į¶œŹ³ā±įµ–įµ—ā±įµ’āæ ā± Ź²įµ˜Ė¢įµ— Ź·įµƒāæįµ— įµ—įµ’ Ė¢įµƒŹø įµ—Ź°įµƒįµ— įµįµƒŹøįµƒ įµƒāæįµˆ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµ—Ź°Ź³įµ‰įµ‰ į¶œįµƒĖ¢įµ— į¶œŹ°įµƒŹ³įµƒį¶œįµ—įµ‰Ź³ įµˆįµ’įµ‰Ė¢ āæįµ’įµ— įµ‡įµ‰Ė”įµ’āæįµĖ¢ įµ—įµ’ įµįµ‰ ā± įµ’Ź·āæ įµŹø į¶œŹ°įµƒŹ³įµƒį¶œįµ—įµ‰Ź³ Ź·Ź°ā±į¶œŹ° ā±Ė¢ Ź³įµ’Ė¢įµ‰ Źøįµ’įµ˜ Ź³įµ‰įµƒįµˆįµ‰Ź³ įµ’Ź·āæ Źøįµ’įµ˜Ź³ įµ’įµ‰āæ į¶œŹ°įµƒŹ³įµƒį¶œįµ—įµ‰Ź³ įµ—Ź°įµƒįµ— Źøįµ’įµ˜ ā±āæĖ¢įµ‰Ź³įµ— įµ’į¶  įµ—Ź°ā±Ė¢ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³Źø ŹøįµƒįµƒŹø 怀怀怀*,': 怀怀,:"""" 怀// 'iļ½œ ļ½œ ļ½¤ ļ½¤ļ¼¼...

  • My Little Raven + Zatz x reader
    40.6K 1K 9

    Princess Maya and Lady Y/N go on a quest to find the three Jaugars. They travel to Luna Island, the Jungle Lands, and finally the Golden Mountains. Now they just have to stop the God of War from destorying their homes. Easy, right? But will there be time for love? DISCLAIMER: I totally abandoned this book because life...

  • ||Zatz x (Fem) Reader|| Maya and the Three
    25.1K 593 7

    What if Lady Micte had given birth to twins that day to Maya and (Y/n)? The day after their birth Maya and (Y/n) came to the Teca Queen & King to fulfill their prophecy of Maya's sacrifice to her kingdom and (Y/n)'s betrothed marriage with a certain.....~Bat prince~š“†©ā™”š“†Ŗ !!!!!!DISCLAIMER!!!!!! I DO NOT OWN THIS!!!! TH...

  • š™Žš™¤š™”š™žš™˜š™žš™©š™¤š™Ŗš™Ø || Overhaul x Reader
    115K 5K 32

    "š˜›š˜¢š˜­š˜¬š˜Ŗš˜Æ š˜£š˜°š˜¶š˜µ š˜µš˜©š˜¦ š˜£š˜¶š˜“š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜¦š˜“š˜“ š˜®š˜¢š˜Æ, š˜‹š˜¦š˜·š˜Ŗš˜­ š˜øš˜Ŗš˜µš˜© š˜¢ š˜šš˜¶š˜Æš˜„š˜¢š˜ŗ š˜±š˜­š˜¢š˜Æ." You were no one, nobody. Just one in a million trying to survive the busy city of Mustafu. That was until the fateful night when you found a certain little girl hiding in the rain. āš ļøTW MENTIONS OF: - Child Abus...

    Completed   Mature
  • Zatz x Reader (Demigod)
    27.1K 671 13

    Maya and the Three is a fantasy cartoon limited series created by Jorge Gutierrez. (Who also created the book of life.) The series is inspired by a rich, vibrant mixture of Aztec, Maya, and Inca mythology, and modern-day Caribbean culture. (Before you decide to read this story make sure you've watched the series firs...

  • š™¬š™š™–š™© š™žš™© š™©š™–š™ š™šš™Ø š™©š™¤ š™—š™š š™– š™œš™¤š™™š™™š™šš™Øš™Ø || į¶»įµƒįµ—į¶»
    14K 325 5

    // maya and the three, zatz x fem!reader What It Takes to be a Goddess is a shameless self-insert fanfic where Author is a big fan of Book of Life and quite literally melted into a puddle as soon as she heard Diego Luna's performance as the esteemed Prince of Bats the moment he first showed up on screen in the fi...

  • š“š‡š„ šš‘šŽšš‡š„š‚š˜ || Zatz x reader
    73K 1.4K 13

    "š‘¬š’‚š’„š’‰ š’‡š’Šš’š’ˆš’†š’“ š’Šš’” š’˜š’†š’‚š’Œ, š’ƒš’–š’• š’•š’š’ˆš’†š’•š’‰š’†š’“ š‘¾š’† š’Žš’‚š’Œš’† š’‚ š’Žš’Šš’ˆš’‰š’•š’š š’‡š’Šš’”š’•" ____________________________ [šŒš€š˜š€ š€ššƒ š“š‡š„ š“š‡š‘š„š„] [š™š€š“š™ š— š‘š„š€šƒš„š‘] š‘¬š‘µš‘»š‘¬š‘¹š‘¬š‘« 2022 š‘¾š‘Øš‘»š‘»š’€'š‘ŗ [š‚šŽšŒšš‹š„š“š„šƒ] [š€ šš„š“š…š‹šˆš— šŽš‘šˆš†šˆšš€š‹]...

  • Black Butler x reader >:3
    63.2K 1.4K 23

    Y/N has a pretty uneventful life, school break just started for them and when they were walking home they saw this box full of kittens, they were abandoned and they decided to take them home, what happens when they finds out who they really are, will they go back home with them or stay in there world Read to find out...

  • Six little Reapers (black butler/child reapers x reader)
    17.2K 406 26

    (Y/N) is one of the most famous reapers in the realm, but she doesn't take souls, she's a singer, to all her fans she's the only light in this dark world. As much as she loves her life she's lonely in that mansion of hers, until one day she finds a little boy in the woods behind her house, and another in an ally...

  • BABY GOJŌ {jujutsu kaisen}
    3.7M 189K 50

    ā–ƒā–ƒā–ƒā–ƒā–ƒ āš˜“'š˜¬š˜¶š˜Æš˜¢, š˜“'š˜¬š˜¶š˜Æš˜¢! š˜¤š˜°š˜®š˜¦ š˜°š˜¶š˜µ š˜¢š˜Æš˜„ š˜±š˜­š˜¢š˜ŗ š˜øš˜Ŗš˜µš˜© š˜®š˜¦!!āž ā¤· š™©š™š™š š™©š™§š™¤š™Ŗš™—š™”š™šš™Øš™¤š™¢š™š š™”š™žš™›š™š š™¤š™› š™—š™šš™žš™£š™œ š™œš™¤š™Ÿš™¤ š™Øš™–š™©š™¤š™§š™Ŗ'š™Ø š™¬š™¤š™£š™™š™šš™§š™›š™Ŗš™” š™™š™–š™Ŗš™œš™š™©š™šš™§ ā–ƒā–ƒā–ƒā–ƒā–ƒš™¬š™–š™§š™£š™žš™£š™œš™Øā–ƒā–ƒā–ƒā–ƒā–ƒ ā¤· š˜¤š˜¶š˜³š˜“š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜Ø ā¤· ļæ½...

  • Just Another Freak Like You [L X Reader]
    209K 5.9K 30

    I DO NOT OWN DEATH NOTE/ANY OF THE CHARACTERS/ARTWORK. WILL CONTAIN EXPLICIT LANGUAGE. [Y/n] left Whammy's House Orphanage two years previous. After faking the gruesome death that would be hers. She thought nobody would know that she was the up and coming detective [Y/a]. The anonymity of it was just like a Whammy me...

  • Ethereal {L Lawliet x Reader} ā€¢ Death Note [COMPLETED]
    1M 53.4K 82

    The Aether. The place where all the positive deities watch over the human realm. Gods and Goddesses roam the clouds and cathedrals day in day out, keeping humans safe from the heavens. The peace is broken when a rouge shinigami throws his notebook onto the human realm and a human with the desire to become a god picks...

  • LOV ā¦ Shigaraki
    70.1K 2.5K 16

    (Y/n) is a part of the League of Villains.

  • Case Of The Living Doll ā¦ Undertaker [2]
    44.7K 1.7K 15

    (Y/n) has infiltrated the college and was placed there by the mysterious principal, helping the P4 every chance she can. Then Ciel comes to investigate the college. Will this once living doll be discovered and can she protect the mysterious principal?