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  • HAMILTON, An American FanFiction (Lams)
    10.4K 254 28

    In a world where reincarnates are looked down upon in society, there are the ones who try to change it for the better. Lin-Manuel Miranda is 5 years into writing his soon to be, hit musical 'Hamilton', and when an unexpected meeting with the very people he was writing about happens, what will happen? Basically a stor...

  • Save me, I'm lost
    12.4K 401 8

    Harry goes back to Hogwarts with Ron and Hermione, but he is done. Done with all of the judgment, done with all of the prejudices. He just wants some peace and quiet. When he finds a certain blonde crying in the hallways, he offers him his friendship. What happens when Draco tells him everything? Will their friendshi...
