Tis The Fourth Book Of Bad Art
Just another book full of my art! Disclaimer: If you're reading this, please check out my more recent art in my newer art book, for this art no longer reflects my style! also have a nice day :D
Just another book full of my art! Disclaimer: If you're reading this, please check out my more recent art in my newer art book, for this art no longer reflects my style! also have a nice day :D
Well, I guess it's time to change my description, properly this time Ahem, hello hello, I'm Alex, welcome to my art book, feel free to criticize me, lol jk, but yeah just minimize it, the recent ones are better so go check it out, if you wanna cringe look at the old ones, I bet you'll cringe. I might not update often...
Cover is mine, character does not belong to me Also, WARNING: I'm a sloooooooooooow updater Also Kaneki Ken is precious and awesome :D
《❷⓪❶⑧》 «art» ⇒ the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
here's another installment of my art books, and I'm excited to start another year of drawings!! ⸜(* ॑꒳ˆ * )⋆*❤︎ Completed; October 3rd 2018 - October 31st 2019
welcome back in the trashcan COMPLETED! October 3rd 2017 - October 3rd 2018
Hello People of the Wattpad! This is my artbook, me...Midnight. Yes...anyway, all my arts-and-crafts will be posted in this book, along with some other random things like, random talks, facts, and art giveways. My digital art doesn't come in until you're around page 60. I also have a Youtube, the information is SOMEWH...