When Tatum is on her way to work one day during summer vacation, her attention is captured by a gorgeous woman with striking blue eyes. Tatums world changes when this woman shows up at her school one day, but not as a student...
When Tatum is on her way to work one day during summer vacation, her attention is captured by a gorgeous woman with striking blue eyes. Tatums world changes when this woman shows up at her school one day, but not as a student...
In the near future, a group of 21 girls are gathered for a special project called the Keyaki class. Each given a bracelet on their wrists, they form a special class at a prestigious private academy. Each one of the girls is in the Keyaki class for a different reason, and their lives, which wouldn't have crossed paths...
Eunha felt Yerin became so cold and distant to her recently. They used to be close but now it just seems like strangers until a vacation trip reveals everything.
I wanted a Loona Vampire Au and couldn't really find any so I wrote it myself. This title,description,and cover are temporary. .....I cant believe people might actually be reading this..... So this is PUBLIC public I DIDNT REALIZE PEOPLE WOULD ACTUALLY READ THIS STOP OMG
Um feriado, um filme, uma porta emperrada e treze garotas presas. [ ot13!centric | @stellarocket, 2018 ] started: 18.02.18 ended: 18.02.18
Sugai Yuuka & Moriya Akane are rivals from preschool. Now they are high school students and have forced them to be together to work on a School Project. Despite their rivalry they have to unite to win but never imagine ending up falling in love with one another in their most raw and perverse way. #Keyakizaka46 #YuukA...
This is the second part of Secrets entitled 'Memories'. This will be all reminiscing about the past and their current situations, fictionally. Comments and upvotes are deeply appreciated ^^ "Can you keep a secret?" "Yes, if you'll keep mine"