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  • dichotomy ; gawsten
    86.3K 5.3K 50

    "He had everything, but felt nothing. He had nothing, but felt everything." geoff is in a famous band. awsten is from a small town in the middle of nowhere. they couldn't be more different. maybe that's for the best.

    38.3K 1.1K 22

    just squeeze me until my skin turns to dark blue. 《lowercase intended》

  • worst ; gawsten
    33.7K 1.6K 15

    "i think you're the worst of them all" after what will definitely go down in history as the worst breakup ever, awsten is just trying to stay afloat and survive the rest of the tour. and geoff, well...the universe has decided to have a laugh and kick his feelings into overdrive at the worst possible time. this tour is...
