#PlanetOrPlastic - A Shattered Dream
My contribution to the National Geographic's writing contest "Planet Or Plastic" in order to indicate the oceans' plastic pollution that is growing worse and worse year by year. Enjoy!
My contribution to the National Geographic's writing contest "Planet Or Plastic" in order to indicate the oceans' plastic pollution that is growing worse and worse year by year. Enjoy!
Will we make our Planet become plastic? Or will we stop this act before it goes any further? This is an entry to the Planet or Plastic movement competition. Words:498
"One little way means a lot for an ocean of change." My second Entry for National Geographic Writing Contest #PlanetOrPlastic WORD COUNT: 494 RANKING PERFORMANCE: #412 in PLANET OR PLASTIC Entries Chart (01-04-19) #388 in PLANET OR PLASTIC Entries Chart (01-02-19) #267 in PLANET OR PLASTIC Entries Chart (12-29-18) #1...
I went swimming every week as a child, I never really understood why. ~ This is my entry for National Geographic's #PlanetOrPlastic Writing Contest Entry 2018! According to Wattpad's word count checker, it is exactly 500 words! According to WordCounter.net it's 497... Not sure why.
'It won't be long until our world disintegrates into a mass of debris, filling it with the mistake of people's ignorance and greed.' This is my entry for National Geographic's #PlanetorPlastic writing contest. In 500 words or less, we were asked to write and share a story, may it be real or fiction that was inspired b...
"One letter can touch the hearts of people for an ocean of change." Will the letter reach the shore of Magiting before everything is too late? My First Entry for National Geographic Writing Contest #PlanetOrPlastic WORD COUNT: 491 Ranking Performance in PLANET OR PLASTIC Entries Chart: ***AND FINALLY WE'RE NUMBER #1...
"In the struggle between stone and water, in time, the water wins." But what if the struggle is between humans and water? How long will Mother Nature suffer? How long will the Earth tolerate? How long before its had enough? It's time to pick; Our Planet, or plastic? ₪ My entry for #PlanetOrPlastic
Humans are not done taking life from the ocean, they are filling it with garbage, too, and the oceans cry out in despair. {National Geographic Contest Entry}
our future depends on what we choose now, so choose wisely.
What can we do in a world where clear water and clean beaches have faded into stories and distant memories? *✧・゚:* ❝The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles. No matter what you say about it, there is always that which you can't.❞...
Aquatic life gets affected by the increased amounts of plastic in the ocean every year, more than any other area in the world. In this story, a stingray encounters a sudden tide full of plastic that destroys her entire family, along with the ecosystem around her. How we choose to live today can impact every other aspe...
We could all save marine life with minimalizing the amount of pollution we make. One person can make a huge difference for that little seahorse or for that poor turtle stuck in the plastic six pack ring. We can all make a difference now when we can reverse the damage we have made not when it's too late to save the oce...
Hi!! I am SO thrilled to have been selected by National Geographic to write an entry for their Planet Or Plastic contest! I'm from California, so the ocean is very near to me. Lately, however, something I've been seeing more of there is...trash. Plastic bottles and wrappers. Stray cups and containers. So much waste in...
A brief summary of a leatherback turtle's life, their fight - their chance at life. To join National Geographics in the fight against single-use plastics, for the turtles, for the marine life out there struggling because of the mishaps that we keep on making. To be a voice, to inform the people blinded by ignorance a...