Bangtan City | BTS (vol II)
Continuarea primei serii Bangtan City. Lectura placuta! Cover by @keuliseublues
Continuarea primei serii Bangtan City. Lectura placuta! Cover by @keuliseublues
He caught me by my wrist and at that moment I felt the tears rushing to my eyes. He held my cheek with his hand and stared into my teared up self. "I... I trust you."
"This isn't over until i can look into your eyes without falling in love all over again." //Book 4 Now Available\\
Heart pounding, and back pressed against the wall. "This is it." A dark alley filled with men dressed in all black. Guns aimed and ready to shoot, me. "Stop." There was the sound of a familiar voice. He was dressed in all black too. On top of his mouth, a mask was present, and the rest of his face hidden by the hoodi...
short story. "that used to be me" Thanks to -ChimChiminie-. For the very beautiful cover
re·gret /rəˈɡret/ verb 1. feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity). //Book 3 and Book 4 Now Available\\
'And they lived happily ever after' This sentence is what I've lived by since my childhood. I thought I got my ending too but in reality.... It was all Fake Love. //Book 2, Book 3 and Book 4 Now Available\\
I started to become greedy. I want to live with you, grow old with you, hold your wrinkled hands, and say how warm my life was with you. I hope, we'd have a better fate in another life; Y/N. The pains were inevitable, I wonder if it would heal. It is killing me inside. I know the facts that both of us were hurts ins...
A forbidden room, Where the truth lies... And once you knew everything about him... You can't run away from him anymore.
Raven o fată obișnuită descoperă ca are puteri supranaturale și se întâlnește cu Slenderman, Jeff the killer și restul personajelor creepypa și alături de cea mai buna prietenă trec prin multe pentru a ajunge la sfârșit. Cum e acest sfârșit??Ei bine va trebuii să citiți! Bine dragilor cartea asta e deja terminata,sper...