I want this
I know gemma is older but a lot older women sometimes get pregnant. so lets pretend please and thank you
I know gemma is older but a lot older women sometimes get pregnant. so lets pretend please and thank you
after clay beats her up gemma seek comfort in the one person she knows truly loves her and is going through losing the clay that they loved ( to : Mia Garza from:LoveStoryNemma)
Regina, maintenant couronnée la Reine Juste, dirige avec une main de maître sur les Nouveaux Royaumes Unifiés. Mais, petit à Petit, les choses changent et une ombre se propage. Quinze après, le chaos règne et les héros seront confrontés à leurs pires cauchemars. Alors qu'ils reprendront les armes, ils seront accomp...
The sequel to Trapped in The Blacklist. To really understand what's going on, ya have to read Trapped in The Blacklist first.