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  • Memory
    158K 5.7K 22

    Set in Captain America Civil War, Bucky meets his new neighbor, Y/N, and there's an instant connection. Y/N brings this sense of familiarity to Bucky, and he's surprised at himself for being so comfortable with her. Will what he has done in the past drive them apart? Or will Y/N get a chance to create some memories?

  • All That Matters ❁ Benny Rodriguez
    1.7M 29.4K 40

    ❝You like my sister?❞ ❝Nah, man. I don't have time for girls, you know? Baseball is my life, that's really all that matters to me at the moment.❞ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ (Based in 2015 instead of 1960's)  A/N: beware! i wrote this during my early teenage years - it's very cringy at a lot of points. please refrain from reading if y...

  • Disoriented » Captain America
    154K 6.9K 38

    The man out of time meets a girl who controls time and space, and thus ensues a mishmash of adventures across Captain America's time line. [a marvel au - universe 410]
