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  • How to Create A Bestselling Book Cover on Wattpad
    652K 7.6K 13

    Admit it- we ALL judge a book by its cover. And that's okay! But it's a struggle to find the best picture, best font, and best colors, to actually make a perfect cover. By reading this guide, you'll find out how to make book covers (for beginners) by learning where to find pictures, what fonts and colors to use, how...

  • Writing Great Fiction: An Introduction
    77.5K 3K 9

    Welcome to the Wattpad Writing Great Fiction introduction! You can browse through the chapters and use them as a reference when needed, or you can treat this like a class in writing fiction. There are assignments you can do, but don't worry, there aren't any due dates. There are lectures, but you don't have to take no...

  • How To Write Serialised Fiction
    41.4K 1.9K 15

    Love writing but find it hard to finish projects? Looking for a new approach to telling stories? Embracing serialisation can help you be more productive and get more readers. In this guide I share what I've learned while writing A Day of Faces, my serial which hit #7 in the science fiction chart here on Wattpad, won a...

  • 10 Traps To Avoid As A New Author ✔️
    41.8K 2.7K 12

    Discover some of the writing tips from Wattpad Star and formerly featured author of 'Trapped'. I have completed my share of beta reads and critiques for new authors on and off Wattpad and many of the points I have noted are often repeats - something that I used to find in my own writing as well, but have stopped (or...

  • Tips For Writing On Wattpad
    116K 8K 28

    Welcome to the wonderful world of writing on Wattpad! This is Wattpad, not the Olympics, so there's no need to panic. Anyone can try it, no training required. Writing doesn't have to be complicated, and you don't have to be a graduate of some fancy university, but there are a few guidelines that will make things easie...

  • We Call This Writing
    92.6K 4K 18

    A guide full of tips and tricks that hopefully doesn't recount the same old stuff in every other writing book under the sun, Wattpad and published alike. Covering everything from helpful resources like Susanna's Pacemaker to treating setting like character. Here's the link for all my shareable resources: https://docs...

  • Writing POC 101
    577K 25.8K 87

    An advice book on how to successfully write POC characters by Wattpad authors. [Highest rank: #1 in Non-Fiction]

  • How to Write Stories People Will Love
    485K 49.2K 145

    If you're a writer struggling to improve your craft, this book can help. It breaks down the basics of a good story and good writing. It'll also provide a few tips on how to stay motivated. There's no magical formula for instantly likable stories, but you can lay a strong foundation for a future full of writing that fu...