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  • Mom Friend//Random Shit Book #4
    1.7K 329 158

    Don't mess with the mom friend! She is armed with root beer and isn't afraid to use it! ⒯⒣⒜⒩⒦⒮ ⒡⒪⒭ ⒦⒠⒠⒫⒤⒩⒢ ⒰⒫ ⒲⒤⒯⒣ ⒨⒴ ⒭⒜⒩⒟⒪⒨ ⒮⒣⒤⒯- ⒯⒣⒤⒮ ⒤⒮ ⒢⒪⒤⒩⒢ ⒯⒪ ⒣⒜⒱⒠ ⒠⒱⒠⒩ ⒨⒪⒭⒠ ⒭⒜⒩⒟⒪⒨⒩⒠⒮⒮ ⒤⒩ ⒤⒯ ⒳⒟

  • Tumblr Posts // COMPLETED
    133K 6.1K 199

    Credit goes to Tumblr and those who made these. Enjoyyyy :)))

  • Book of edits
    376 43 8

    I love doing edits even though they are horrible! ::::3

  • Tumblr Posts
    733K 37.8K 200

    Basically a collection of funny tumblr posts and yes some of this will be immature. The beginning may not be good but trust me it gets better.

  • My Artbook
    3.2K 334 28

    They might be cringy but they're my cringy doodles. Mostly DDLC.