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  • Thick • Dear white people
    393 5 2

    "I'm tired of people constantly trying to make me feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I mean, shouldn't I be able to love myself just like everyone gets to?" -Mackenzie Peek Throughout her whole life Mackenzie had been judged by her skin. Whether it been her skin color, or the stretch marks that decorated her body. Sea...

  • His guardian• Stranger Things
    154 8 3

    "I left him once before,and I don't plan on doing it ever again."- London Sinclair London Sinclair was fifteen years old when she was shipped of to some elite school in London designed for the most intelligent kids around the globe. Taking her away from her parents, her little sister, and of course her little brother...

  • Bantu Knots •Face Claims
    83 1 3

    Love the skin your in A book of poc face claims

  • Natural Thoughts- rant book
    241 26 11

    The book where a little natural haired girl shares her thoughts and opinions. (Previously called I be in my feelings)

  • FASHION {Empire}
    2.1K 80 5

    "The fashion and music industries are the two industries that will always change but they will always be around. So if you can benefit from both why not invest?" Malaysia"Lay" White If you thought the music industry was cut throat you ain't seen nothing yet. *Empire* Season 3 Oc x Andre Lyon
