Wing Commander #Abhi👮
These is the True story Based on India 🇮🇳 Pak 🇵🇰 attack,with little bit of my Imagination,I wrote these story becoz of my Inspiration to #Indian Army #Abinanthan sir, #Jaihind🇮🇳True Story But True Inspiration to all
These is the True story Based on India 🇮🇳 Pak 🇵🇰 attack,with little bit of my Imagination,I wrote these story becoz of my Inspiration to #Indian Army #Abinanthan sir, #Jaihind🇮🇳True Story But True Inspiration to all
ஒவ்வொரு பூக்களும் ஒவ்வொரு ரகம்.. மெல்லினமாவா?? காட்டமாவா?? சும்மா பார்ப்போமே.. ஐயையோ கதை இல்லைங்க.. சும்மா சுட்ட கவிதை😉