Greek Myths
This is a collection of Greek Myths I thought some people would like to read for pure interest or to help them with their homework. I own nothing, all credits go to the Greeks and their interesting mythology.
This is a collection of Greek Myths I thought some people would like to read for pure interest or to help them with their homework. I own nothing, all credits go to the Greeks and their interesting mythology.
We all have wondered that do vampires , ghosts , previous birth, aliens, sixth sense and all the stuff like that exists? ????? Its in our peculiar human nature to be curious and try to prove everything scientifically and we are aways afraid of the dark brooding unknown... So here are some of the scientific facts tha...
The title is pretty self-explanatory. Might start writing a second, shorter book to this one, since this book is old and the questions aren't that exciting.
"My dear, you've been living the equivalent of two lifetimes in one. And at some point, these lifetimes would converge and collide." Themis lightly waves her hand and the blue butterfly flutters out of her hand. "Two lifetimes?" Crystal is highly skeptical again. "Yes, and at some point, you would be faced with a mo...