Artsy Collections
Just a book showing all of the things I draw. Which isn't much, but I like to think they are nice.
Just a book showing all of the things I draw. Which isn't much, but I like to think they are nice.
I cba. I already wrote this. Here we go again! Hey guys! This is something I've been wanting to do for a while, I just haven't had the time and energy, I am pretty lazy though so it is understandable. This is basically just a book of random art, if you can even call it that. I will warn you now that this may cause you...
Some of these Adopts will be free, some will not be, but they will all be really good Adopts!
Hello! uwu)/ Curious to see what's in this lil Adoptable Book? owo)/ High Quality lil Character Designs! \( o0o)/ Read the rules and step right in! :3 ALL ART AND DESIGNS ARE ALL MADE BY ME. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, REUSE, HEAVILY REFERENCE/TRACE, EDIT, CLAIM AS YOURS, OR MAKE COMMERCIAL PROFIT OFF OF MY ART. IF YOU ARE...
"It's easy to change if you give it your! a! tten! tion!" Come adopt some adoptables! you can also learn more about my original species, Lupaeram!
@ my Latin teacher: look I'm using my Latin knowledge for the title of this book please be proud
Your most problematic designer is back for another round of adoptables. Looking for a new oc to draw? Need a new oc for a roleplay? Do you just wanna waste some DA points on a character you draw once but never again? You've come to the right place
"White, lithe leaves" Another art book from your favorite problematic legend yeehaw