Vodka [Roger/Brian]
Brian learns that alcohol can, in fact, solve problems
Brian and Roger try to find a way to be together while the entire nation condemns their love.
'Y'know, I never normally paid much attention to the bands that came and went here, when I was around, it was a pretty normal sight here at the farm. But I had a feeling that having Queen staying with us was going to be an exception.' Completed: October 2016 A/N: Before you begin reading, I just want to make it clear...
Many girls that night at the Sugar Shack But you chose me (Chili Lily - At The Sugar Shack)
Brian wants to go swimming with his boyfriend, but Roger keeps coming up with excuses.
Brian is trying his very best to hide his actual sexual orientation, but even he can't resist the power the one and only Freddie Mercury has over him.
Roger’s lack of focus during a recording session leads to some interesting activities in the back room along with a new song idea.
Sammy era una sognatrice; nonostante vivesse un'esistenza misera, che la costringeva a passare la notte a guardare distrattamente gli show notturni dalla tv mezza fracassata della sua camera, immaginava di trovarsi in un posto completamente diverso, magari con un lavoro da lei finalmente gradito e una casa grande e ac...
Roger Taylor, batterista e rockstar, non pare proprio il classico tipo che ama le sdolcinatezze. Eppure, la natura umana non si sbaglia mai: nulla riesce a sciogliere il cuore degli uomini, anche quelli di coloro che si considerano i più intrepidi, più di un figlio.
Sono le cinque del mattino e Brian guarda il cielo fuori alla finestra. ... Ispirato dalla canzone "5 A.M." di Ex:Re. With love.
This collection features all drabbles I've written for Blinded by the Light. Have fun!
Brian and Roger try to pick up their lives again after a tragic accident that left Roger visually impaired for the rest of his days, and they gradually learn how to 'see' the bright side of life again.
Brian makes Roger's birthday extra special in the summer night and under the stars
Brian comes home to a giant mess and a cinnamon-covered surprise! Oneshot - Complete.
A Winter-wonderland feels like heaven for Roger, Freddie, and John, but all Brian wants to do is running away from his friends the moment the first snow flakes land on planet earth
❝ DO YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER EVERYDAY? NO I JUST THINK I'M TWO STEPS NEARER TO MY GRAVE! ❞ È il 1973 a Londra. Una nuova band, formata da quattro giovani ragazzi un po' particolari, si fa strada nel mondo musicale con il loro primo album, che porta il nome del gruppo stesso: 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧. Nel negozio di famiglia di vin...
Breve momento di vita tra Roger Taylor e Dominique Beyrand, la sua prima moglie (che penso tutti i fan dei Queen amino).
The band wants to find out why Brian is in the worst mood ever.
Brian notices the differences between John and Roger's innocent, angelic, relationship and his own, with Freddie as his personal devil.
A both intoxicated and infatuated Freddie and John decide to take advantage of each other's body heat during the Spread Your Wings video shooting.
A sequel to my fic, Get Well Soon, Love! as the storyline picks up from there. Brian and Roger finally got a weekend off from work and wanted to catch up with their private moment that they'd missed. Roger baked some cookies and Brian wanted more than just cookies. He also had a perfect weekend planned for the both of...
Brian and Roger had been in a relationship for over a year. They learned to cope with each other and take care of one another. Especially when one of them got sick.
When Roger thought his love was unrequited, he turned to someone for comfort. He shouldn't have done that. (Joger / Maylor)
Freddie's habit of 'if you gotta make love, do it everywhere' is not quite John's cup of tea.
Brian proves to his boyfriend that there is absolutely no need for him to be insecure about his body.
La vera bellezza, dopotutto, consiste nella purezza del cuore. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Roger is done with constantly being teased with how girly Brian thinks he looks, but instead of fighting it, he decides to roll with it for once.
Brian and Roger have been bickering over stupid things for days, and Freddie comes up with the perfect plan to make them stop.