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  • Cloud Association: Pretty Boy Psycho
    470 48 46

    Beware the Cloud Barrier where Thunders soar on skeletals. When former bullied prep student Alex Harlington, gets hold of a pair of switchblades, he learns bravery comes in many different forms. He takes on the role of protector against Thunders, to his new found family in Cloud Association.

  • Dreamland Review Archive
    31.2K 1.2K 196

    Dreamland Community's review archive, open to view different reviewers past works :D If you are looking to request a review, please head over to Dreamland Reviews!

  • Monarch of the Darkness
    2.1K 318 25

    The heir of the darkness is born I am different as I am unique No one can stop nor suppress me Even when there is no hope nor way I shall not falter As I am Hayden Monarch of The Darkness ----- This is the story of a human from earth who traveled through space and time and arrived in another world. He was different fr...

  • Finding Aster
    1.8K 388 20

    Whether you loved her or hated her, everyone had an opinion about Aster Evans, the designated queen bee of the small town of Eastmore. When Aster goes missing (presumed dead) the social hierarchy of Eastmore High begins to crumble. Meanwhile, four students from completely different crowds try to grapple with grief, d...

  • Crooked Empires: Blood and Crystal
    251 53 10

    Song, a self defined thief, has recently landed on the Empire-acquired coast of the southern continent. Far away from her home in the distant East; she struggles to adjust to the climate, culture, and lack of compassion for one as uncommon as her. Though a skilled pickpocket, Song quickly finds herself in a downward s...