Teghan's Mistake
Even the smartest people can make a mistake and Teghan was no exception. Luckily, Liam is there to help. (If 'help' is redefined to mean mock, harass, and terrify.)
Even the smartest people can make a mistake and Teghan was no exception. Luckily, Liam is there to help. (If 'help' is redefined to mean mock, harass, and terrify.)
Tomorrow liked solitude. Then a naked lunatic arrived and demanded pants. Things went downhill from there.
Price Bigg + Jeremy Smalle = Best Friends. If Price Bigg x Googly Eyes at his best friend = ALWAYS and Jeremy Smalle + Basic Comprehension Skills = Syntax Error, solve the following problem: Price Bigg can't quite solve his goofy best friend, Jeremy Smalle, amateur high school swimmer and professional alien conspiracy...
Who in their right mind would ask a teenager to write a 4000 word essay on the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald anyway? To me, English class was simply the fine art of over analyzing very old pieces of literature. It was usually pretty easy for me to string together some intricate sounding sentences about these old novels...