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  • Subject 704
    383 6 11

    14 kids survived, but with a price. After being taken from their families to be tested on, Kids ranging in age from 3-15, have no memory of their former life before entering The "house". With newfound powers they received, they begin to be trained. Trained to fight. Trained to kill. Trained to be unstoppable inhuman...

  • The Tributes Of Ninjago [DISCONTINUED]
    10.7K 495 27

    The Land Of Ninjago. 74 years after it has been concurred by the Capitol, and engraved in 13 Districts, the last of which destroyed. Because of an uprising, every year there are Hunger Games, in which two tributes, a boy and a girl, in between the age of 12 and 18 gets to be reaped and send into the Hunger Games to f...