Real Life
The typical McGarrett, The Typical Croft Not so typical moment. How about a love story that never ends? "I will always love you Fruty" "I will always love you too Blue"
The typical McGarrett, The Typical Croft Not so typical moment. How about a love story that never ends? "I will always love you Fruty" "I will always love you too Blue"
Steve McGarrett has always been loyal to his one and only since they were sixteen years old. Two popular kids. No one thought they would last this long together. Definitely prove them wrong.
One-Shots about Steve McGarrett and the girl he loves most. Pheve (Phoenix is my OC). A Hawaii Five-0 FanFiction.
Lynn Williams is a famous dancer, choreographer, model and also Danny Williams younger sister. She was in the navy for 3 years and left after a mission went bad. Lynn stumbles into HPD beaten badly by her now ex-boyfriend Connor. After Danny and Steve solve that issue a someone begins to stalk Lynn making her estate i...
[ BEGINNING OF SEASON FIVE ] [ RADIOACTIVE SERIES: BOOK 2 | BREATH OF LIFE ] "Hey! Nice to meet you! Name is Ams! You are?„ she asked him while refilling her gun. "You're supposed to be dead!„ "Are you supposed to be my replacement? what's your name?„ "Lu Grover!„ "Well...
[ RADIOACTIVE SERIES: BOOK 1 ] Amelia leaned back on her chair, disappointed and sighed. "Great now I will be taught how to haunt by a rabbit" Steve raised his eyebrows in disbelief "Did you just call me a rabbit?" [ COMPLETED ]
Tia has to move to Hawaii to live with a close family friend, Steve McGarrett, after both her parents are killed in action.
What if Steve Mcgarrett had a twin sister who was in the Navy with him? Born four minutes before her twin brother Steve, Kris McGarrett was given the duty to take care of him, and make sure that he didn't get lost in his own mind. After the death of their mother, Kris went on to become the USA's first female Navy SEA...
Steve McGarrett finds out he has a sister. Will she fall in love with one of the task force members? Will she find out a hidden plot that will destroy her heart? Will she leave behind a crushed brother, hurting friends, and a broken-hearted lover? Or will she stay in Oahu? Read to find out.
Die Five-O Task Force von Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett war laut Gouverneur Denning mit zu wenig Frauen bestückt. Deshalb setzte er Steve eine neue Kollegin vor die Nase, die das Team mit ihren Kompetenzen perfekt ergänzen sollte. Steve wollte das zwar nicht, aber sich zu widersetzen brachte nichts, wie er es...
"Du bist so Clever! Wie kann jemand der so Clever ist wie du bloß so jemand dummen wie mich lieben?!" Fragte ich ihn, meine Augen wurden feucht. "Weil ich Klugscheißer wie mich nicht mag." MacGyver, ein Mitglied der Phoenix Foundation bemerkt eines Abends einen Überfall auf einer Jungen Frau, Kirby Nelson. Als er ih...
Sophia Wolf ist eine deutsche Polizistin, die im Rahmen eines internationalen Austauschprogramms der Task Force Hawaii Five 0 zugeteilt wird. Die Leute von Five 0 - ganz besonders einer von ihnen - werden ihr ganzes Leben komplett verändern. ***In Überarbeitung***
Mads ist 13 Jahre alt und lebt auf der Straße. Eines Tages begeht sie einen Fehler und Five-o wird auf das obdachlose Mädchen aufmerksam.
Noch in Arbeit. Es ist nicht immer, wie es erscheint. Gerade noch beschäftigt in New York, ohne überdenken nach Hawaii, wegen einer Frage und einem Angebot. Möge das Schicksal seinen Lauf nehmen.
~Jetzt hast du noch die Chance auszusteigen. Denn wenn du in der Show läufst, werde ich dich umbringen. Ich werde dich auf dem Catwalk umbringen. Vor Augen aller. Vor den Augen der ganzen Welt.~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ich hab eine Frage an Sie und ich würde Sie bitten sie mir ehrlich zu beantworten, okay?". "Ich...
Als ihr Bruder entführt wird, macht Ruby es sich zur Aufgabe ihn zu retten. Die Spur führt sie von New York nach Hawaii, wo sie Steve McGarrett und seine Ohana kennenlernt. Steve und Ruby hassen sich auf Anhieb, jedoch sind ihre innersten Gefühle etwas anderes. Trotz dem Gefühlschaos muss Ruby in Zusammenarbeit mit Fi...
Cameron McGarrett, die kleine Schwester von Steve und Mary McGarrett, ist mit einem gewissen Chin Ho Kelly zusammen und erwartet mit ihm Zwillinge. Diese Fan-Fiktion wird ziemlich kurz
Quinn West's life is amazing, a detective in Hawaii, with a new partner from Jersey. That all changes when a man by the name of Steve McGarret asks requests for her and her partner to be on his task force. Will this change in her life be for the better?
Preferences and images about the cast of Hawaii CAST *Chin-Ho Kelly *Steve Mcgarret *Danny Williams *Kono Kalakaua I don't own any of the character's from the show.
When Sami booked plane ticket to Hawaii she never in a million years expected to meet Steve and fall in love. But her life is in LA and he spends his days on a rock in the middle of the Pacific. Will their love be strong enough to keep them together or will the circle of life eventually tear them apart? (I do not own...
What do you do when your in love with your best friend? What do you do when your also in an abusive relationship and want nothing more than the man you really love to save you?
The Five-0 team was at HQ when they got a call. A woman heard gunshots and a scream. As the team gets to the scene, they discover the whole house is trashed and ransacked. When Steve walks further into the house, he finds a body. Steve gets down on one knee and feels for a pulse. Surprisingly, he feels a faint heart b...
Preferences and Imagines for the boys of Five-0. Includes Steve, Danny, Chin, Max and Adam. Please request! Enjoy!
2 imagines per each of the following characters: Steve Mcgarrett, Danny Williams, Chin Ho Kelly, and Wo Fat
[COMPLETED STORY] After being abducted for the past three years, Steve McGarrett thought he'd never see his little girl again. But when the team are sent a video one day it proves otherwise. When Five-0 rescue Alex McGarrett they assume the threat is no longer there but that appears to not be the case. (I don't own an...
This is under constructions too lolol Copy-Right { I own nothing in this story but the OC and Some of the plot other than that everything belongs to the Creators of Hawaii Five-O }
When Steve and Abbie give into temptation both of their lives are forever changed. Steve McGarrett/OC
She's short. She's beautiful. She's a mainlander. He's tall. He's handsome. He's Hawaiian. When Sophia boards the plane to O'ahu, she can't possibly believe that life could get any better than this. I mean she's moving to Honolulu! At least that's what she thought. When she bumps into Hawai'i's finest gentlemen, s...