Deep Thoughts
"A mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it isn't open." ~ Poetry, quotes, and sentences. Nothing much.
"A mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it isn't open." ~ Poetry, quotes, and sentences. Nothing much.
dream drēm/ noun a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.
I have a good bit of dreams so I've decided to write them down here! Some of them will be long-ish and some will be really short. Let's go on an adventure through my unconscious mind!
Warning really weird content ahead. Nothing bad in it, just weird. *occasional wait no a lot of swearing lol*
In which an energy-drink powered writer looses his mind over a writing assignment as the twin spectres of Anxiety and Writer's Block loom overhead.
The Garden of Whimsy - a growing collection of whimsical and enchanting stories that I have written for contests and anthologies all in one fantastical place!
I am a solitary, ecletic neopagan witch. The information I share with you here is gathered and distilled from books, articles, other webpages, other Pagans, other witches, meditations, visionary journeys, and listening to my inner voice. I am not a prophetess, priestess, or the direct channeled voice of the Goddess, n...
Secluded from the outside world for the majority of his life, a mentally impaired middle-aged man with the mindset of a young child wants nothing more than to go trick 'r treating this Halloween. When he manages to sneak out past his overprotective mother, he finds the local neighbors less welcoming by his presence th...
The Fear is a well-known cult in Vanelsvile. You can't join them, they choose you. The police can't stop them, the city-council can't stop them so there's no way people can stop them. Well, maybe expect a girl named Jade who is a new resident in town. She got over her fears many years ago, but she is about to face a n...