The night I meet you
Bonnie, Zee, Freddy and Starlight where getting ready to close Zee and Bonnie where going In the basement and found...Trap
Bonnie, Zee, Freddy and Starlight where getting ready to close Zee and Bonnie where going In the basement and found...Trap
Hi Guys! I change Bonnie into a girl instead of being a boy because it is better if it is a boy/girl romance story. I hope you understand. For all Fronnie Fans, you'll gonna like this story Freddy is in love to Bonnie and Bonnie was in love with him as well but something wicked will possibly happen. Find out all of th...
After Fredbare Family's Diner has shut down, things has changed for Fredbare and Springbonnie, like their names has change (Fredbare is now Golden Freddy and Springbonnie is now Springtrap), their looks has changed, they got shipped to a different location called Freddy Fazbare's Pizzeria, they don't perform for kids...
I wrote this when I was, like, twelve. I deeply apologize for this monstrosity, now that I'm eighteen.