Creepypasta Zodiacs ✔️
Oh look...another Creepypasta Zodiac Book... Sigh.
Creepypasta Zodiacs! Some very far fetched and bizarre, and others, well.. Anyways! Welcome to my book! Here you can find a spectacle of things, please, have a safe journey and enjoy! <3
Who's your friend? Your lover? Your enemy? Your partner in crime? Find out in this here book of mine!!! The pages are mixed up to hell so please don't worry about the chapters. I dunno what happened.
Who is your friend? Who do you do random things with? Welcome to the second installment of my Creepypasta Zodiac book!
Hello there fellow hooman/Demon/Neko/Ghost or whatever you are. My very own Creepypasta zodiac book! I have nothing better to do and remind me if I forget your zodiac in one of the chapter!!