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  • Link Dane
    5.1M 216K 46

    Every Father scowls at him. Every Mother prays from him. Every boy hates him. And every girl stays away from him. Because he was Link Dane. That one boy who seemed even more messed up than imaginable. And then there's Orianna, who wishes she could do all of those above and forget he ever existed. But she can't. Simpl...

  • Weeds
    2.1M 83K 47

    "They were elements that were not supposed to mix,but they were. And just like mixing hydrogen peroxide with Sulfuric Acid; Inevitable explosion." *** "This isn't right." I whispered¸ fear seeping into my voice. I felt goose bumps grow on my neck, at his sudden proximity. Control. All I needed was a little self contr...

  • Tamed [BOOK ONE]
    2.8M 108K 40

    BWWM [Synopsis inside] [In Process of Editing and Beginning Chapter Reconstruction]
