30 days
My holiday present to you all: 30 days worth of smut.
Josh Balz x OC Because now that she really didn't want me, I wanted her. And I wanted to prove to Ryan that I could get whoever I wanted no matter the challenge. And I was going to have Hannah. Somehow.
Zoey and Chris started as perfect strangers, even with their pasts intertwined, and with time they soon realized they were perfect for one another. With a proposal from Chris, a wedding, a honeymoon, and tons of kinky sex are bound to come. How will married life treat this happy couple, and just what obstacles may com...
Liv runs into Vinny Mauro at Warped Tour without knowing who he was. They met by coincidence but does it go anywhere? You said you'd never hurt me Now this is all we have left You were supposed to save me from myself -Sinematic by Motionless In White