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  • foresight [FINISHED] | e.d
    398K 18K 50

    in which ethan dolan is able to see a girls' future through dreams - #1 IN GRAYSON DOLAN ! tysm #1 in dreaming #3 in dolan #9 in dolan twins

  • Will You Find Me?
    197K 7.1K 28

    (Sequel to Dance With Me. If you have not read the first book, I suggest you do that.) You and Dean were together, when you left him because you didn't think you could make him happy. Now Dean is set on finding you and will stop at nothing. Will fate be on his side? Will he find the one woman he ever truly loved...

  • Dance With Me {Dean Winchester X Reader}
    639K 17.7K 27

    You are the second best hunter in the world, only second to the infamous Winchester brothers. When your close friend tells you to work a case with them, you comply, wanting to see the moronic hunters up close. But things get complicated when you get injured and have to stay with the Winchesters a little longer. I don...

  • Rose • Justin Foley
    228K 3.5K 15

    Cassidy (Cassie) Rose is known throughout the school as Hannah Baker's sidekick but what happens after Hannah decides to kill herself? What impact will it have on Cassie? And who will be there for her? Follow her on this journey full of discovery, mystery and love. [Rights to Netflix as well as the creators of 13 r...

  • Fake us - Dean Winchester x Reader
    23.3K 845 5

    Prompt: Hii can u do one kinda like the french mistake but in reverse where J2 are sent to the spn world (dean and reader have feelings for each other but don't know yet) and in the "real world" jensen is married to the readers actress and dean is jealous xo

  • Perfect ||G.D
    1.7M 29.2K 57

    Sequel to Cherish~ Five years later and their worlds collide again. Will they fix the broken pieces or be done for good?

  • Cherish || grayson dolan
    4M 60.1K 74

    "I will cherish these moments, for as long as I live." "As will I." He smiles, kissing my forehead. ~ Hayden Forest stay's with her Aunt for the summer in New Jersey, and finally finds her true self with the help of new friends.
