Feelings ● Nakamoto Yuta ✔
If a kiss was a raindrop, I'd send you a shower. If a hug was a second, I'd send you an hour. If a smile was water, I'd send you the sea. If you needed love, I'd send you me -YUTA Copyrightⓒ2016-leettlevain
If a kiss was a raindrop, I'd send you a shower. If a hug was a second, I'd send you an hour. If a smile was water, I'd send you the sea. If you needed love, I'd send you me -YUTA Copyrightⓒ2016-leettlevain
[AU] Ketika mendekati doi sesusah menaikkan level game dari warrior jadi legendary. >Supported Media by Salgoo< ©2017 -lilvain
"Happy Valentine Day, dear...' Adopt from Blossom Tears MV Copyright©2017-leettlevain
Jatuh cinta dengan nymph? yang benar saja! Copyright©2017-leettlevain Inspired by Greek's Mythology