Brofos imagines
Ben phillips is my inspiration, here is a love story between him and beautiful danielle...but will it go south?
As Ben and cristine would be loving and caring for each other, they fall in a love triangle with other friends and switch off and ignore everything that happened in between. Enjoy.
As they were walking down the strange path, they noticed something weird... "Hmm..." Dad said, confused. "Spring in December?" As if that wasnt odd enough, they kept walking down the road, they heard cats meowing.. wild cats meowing.. and as they kept walking, Menchie started running like a mad man, since she had seen...
AUTHORS NOTE* I know this is not very accurate at all a but a couple facts in the beginning are true as Cristine and Ben said them herself. I don't mean to get anyone angry i hope you guys enjoy this it's all just fun and games this is just personally how I saw it happening of course with a lot more sass from cristine...