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  • Ask or Dare the eeveelutions!
    5.5K 20 24

    Disclaimer:I do not own These characters.,This is purely for entertainment and Pokemon is owned by Nintendo or game freak or whatever. Anyways,this is a book about All of my eeveelutions with their own personalities to react to, or do whatever you guys ask in the comments.

  • Ask & Dares The Eeveelutions
    62.8K 442 195

    The Eeveelutions answering all your questions and do all the dares

  • Pokemon: truth or dare (with a hint of why am I doing this "salt")
    2.9K 27 5

    In this truth or dare like other ones you get to ask dares to these Pokemon and some trainers. Let me give you the list: Ash Serena Clemont Bonnie Dawn May Paul Gary Pikachu Sylveon Bunnelby Buneary Snivy Emolga Greninga Braxien Dedenne Bayleef Oshawott Pignite Piplup Chespin Luxray Pancham Noivern Halucha And Pachuri...

  • A cold chick| Glaceon x Flareon (Fan fic)
    17.8K 158 6

    Idk but I ship these two... Otp's: Glaceon x Flareon Umbreon x Espeon Sylveon x Jolteon Leafeon x Vaperon Pikachu x Eevee (Idk I wanted to tell you guys my otp's in Pokémon xD P.S i ain't a good writer so don't suspect anything good from me)