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  • Faces in a Crowd
    188 34 14

    A collection of short poems detailing glimpses into people's lives. Each poem is based off pictures that people submitted.

  • Meant to Be... l.h.
    1.5K 20 34

    "Are you sure?" "Of course I am." "But How do you know?" "Some people are just meant to be."

  • My Star
    38 1 6

    In a cold, November, night of 1865, not far from town, a wealthy woman, Astra, and a slave for her father, Amadi, lay on the grass staring at the stars together. They both turned their head and looked into each others eyes and smiled. They both lead into a whole of wonder and hope. They knew they were meant to be.. Ne...

  • As I Am ✔️
    121 21 10

    These days, social media has taken away the reality of emotion. A text, a call, a picture, a comment, a like, none of those entities will ever hold within them emotion, real emotion, as the aesthetic nature of the beast does not support something so genuine, so real. Words and letters, however they're sent, however th...

    1.1K 548 19

    Caught in the middle of a war between the Combs and Zifeng crime families, billionaire Evelyn Pierce reluctantly enlists the help of an enigmatic, excessively handsome bodyguard. But her "prince charming" is not entirely all he says he is. Working as an agent for the Chinese mafia, Ethan Devon thinks Evelyn will simp...

  • WILD FLOWERS ✿ d.malfoy
    7.5K 355 57

    ❝ I'm a person before my name; a soul before my blood. Surely you should know that. ❞ • Imagine the life as you know it, gone. Everything you ever believed in, rivaled with what you are now forced to believe in. Every shred of your being stripped away from your self, replaced with a foreign fiber. You wouldn't know wh...

  • confide in me • poetry
    264 56 13

    a book for times i feel my mind overflowing with words • poetry & quotes • could contain particularly triggering texts - read with caution

  • Nothing Like Flying
    947 206 16

    "I think I'm old enough for a little respect." In the winter of 1922, teens Vivian and Gilbert watch their family disintegrate. Their chemist father always travels. Their mom seems awfully interested in that slick traveling salesman - and in drinking wine. It's like seeing an airplane in a nose dive and waiting for th...

  • Mental Abyss of Emotions.
    2K 79 18

    A short poem book, containing poetry, old and new. Most are free Verse, but some may be slam or different styles. The poems will contain venting, motivation, and a combination of experiences and relation.
