The tunnel
When Madison and her friends get stuck in a tunnel they quickly realize that they are not alone and their company is not there to be friends. I'm updating the story currently, making the chapters longer and more detailed.
When Madison and her friends get stuck in a tunnel they quickly realize that they are not alone and their company is not there to be friends. I'm updating the story currently, making the chapters longer and more detailed.
Koolis ebapopulaarne ning vaesemast perest Katy Clay on alati lootnud paremale elule. Ta elas väikeses üürikorteris koos oma ema, vanema õe Liliani ning väiksema venna Jose'ga. Nüüd, kui nende üürileping läbi saab, avaneb neil võimalus see lootus tõeks teha. Kokku hoitud raha eest õnnestub nende emal osta suur maja. S...