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  • Justice Is Served
    28.8K 713 12

    Lila kept her promise and managed to get everyone to turn their backs on Marinette. Marinette has been constantly hurt and humiliated by her used-to-be friends. even Adrien has turned from her. Eventually it all becomes too much...

  • Deep Blue (On Hold)
    8.3K 329 8

    17-year-old Nora Archer was rumored to be kidnapped by the masked men. After being shoved into the back of a van and injected with an odd substance, Nora finds herself waking up inside of a tank filled with water; realizing that she wasn't really herself anymore. * * * Not completed / In progress. * * * *This is a f...

  • fiction from my tumblr
    2.1K 56 9

    one shots, mini fics, prompted fics, etc. Just an easy spot to find all the writing i've posted on tumblr :) my tumblr is if you want to follow it :) mature rating just to be sure. I dont post smut or anything like that, but angst might get carried away and deserve a mature rating

  • killervibe (Caitlin x Cisco)
    815 9 3

    so I have not seen many of these on the internet and I love this ship I think it would be a great ship that could really happen but hope you like this if you don't moan you can just say that in the comments I don't really care but I hope you like it

  • Legends In Love {Legends of Tomorrow}
    293K 10.7K 100

    Getting kidnapped by a lunatic saying he's a time traveler isn't always fun. Especially when he kidnaps your ex...ex crime partner that is...nothing else... At least that's what Karoline Jones would tell you if you asked about her and Leonard Snart. Karoline Jones is your average thief with telekinetic powers and a w...

  • The monster within (A Legends of tomorrow fanfic)
    2.1K 106 26

    This story takes place after Legends of tomorrow season five so there will be spoilers. Everyone has monsters inside them they have to conquer. Some quite literally. Sara Lance assassin, Paragon of destiny and wanna-be-god finds herself with a set of powers she neither understands nor wants at first. Then she meets Li...

  • Bábjáték
    7.9K 899 16

    [A Fantázia földjén-sorozat második része] Másfél év telt el azóta, hogy Hajnalpír Haddock maga mögött hagyta otthonát és rátalált rég halottnak hitt édesanyjára. Nyugodalmas másfél év. Viszont mi van akkor, ha az ajándékba kapott térkép hirtelen megváltozik és elvezeti őt egy gondosan elrejtett ládához, minek tartalm...

  • •Sky • Egy tünde meséje
    4.8K 367 7

    Te is Gyűrűk ura rajongó vagy? Te is beleképzelted már magad a történetbe? Sky egy félvér tündelány, aki végigkíséri mind a három részt, így könnyebben át tudod élni te is a kalandokat.

  • A hetedik emberöltő [Befejezett]
    28K 2.8K 40

    [A Fantázia földjén-sorozat első része] Egyszer volt, hol nem volt... így kezdődik a legtöbb mese, mik sérelmekkel, bántással indulnak, szegény emberekről szólnak, akik rálelnek a boldog befejezésükre a végén. Eljön értük a szőke herceg hófehér paripán, ki csókjával menti meg a bajbajutott lányt. Nos, ez a történet eg...