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  • Is this Love? (Completed)
    17.5K 1.2K 22

    Vish and Mahir started off with a rocky start but can this start slowly smoothen and turn in to love between them? stay tuned to know!

  • Entwined by Destiny (Discontinued)
    21.5K 1.2K 18

    3 people, numerous relationships, the game of destiny. Will they pass the test of time? Or will they fail shattering hearts. Join them on an emotional rollercoaster to see if they will give up or fight back.

  • Together Forever (indefinite hold)
    82.2K 3.8K 30

    Love conquers all, a famous saying and she proved it, she conquered death and came back just for him. This is a fan fiction for my all time favourite couple Ariya! Join them in this spectacular journey full of twists, turns and of course love.